Last updated on:

July 21, 2024


An app that allows MAN v FAT Football coaches to record player’s information and team scores. It also allows coaches to manage their teams and monitor their progress.

Work type

Thrive Tribe & MAN v FAT

My contribution

Product designer, product strategy, user research and service design


Health service, CRM

The team

Product owner, Product designer, 4x Developers & 2x QA tester


MAN v FAT Football is a unique network of weight loss football clubs across the UK, exclusively for men who have a BMI of 27.5 or over. Players can score goals both on the pitch and off it and weight loss progress directly impacts their team’s performance.

Previously MAN v FAT had a old legacy system that would be used to for managing clubs and user database. There were however many technical and UX issues with the system, as well as frequent crashes as well. They decided to build a new system from scratch, which would make it easier for staff members to monitor teams, players and add in player’s data before the session starts. The new system would also allowed MAN v FAT to provide better customer service and support.


Workshop and Stakeholder interviews

In order to get a better understanding of the new technology MAN v FAT would like to implement, we did a workshop and stakeholder interviews with the HQ team. Together we mapped out the workflows that would cover:

  • Creation of club
  • Set up of admin staff
  • Set up of Coach
  • Set up of Refs
  • Set up of player
  • Set up of a team
  • Ahead of 1st club night
  • At session
  • Post session
  • End of season

Having taken into account the complexity of the whole process, it was decided that we would be creating two apps, one for the HQ team mainly operated by senior staff members and the other for coaches. The pitchside app will only be accessed by coaches and player facilitators and the purpose of this app would be to: 

  • Club management - MVP
  • Player management - MVP
  • Manage a session - MVP
  • Issue reporting
  • Resources

The business goal for Pitchside is to provide the coaches with a comprehensive and user-friendly platform to manage their teams, players, and sessions. The user goal is to provide a quick and easy solution for coaches to manage their teams, players, and sessions.

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Pitchside strategy and design

We began to brainstorm ideas and discuss our idea for what should be included in the pitchside app, working with the product manager and looking at the high level features that should be included in the pitchside app. This would include the first MVP we wanted to release as well as future initiatives.

After defining the features we needed to release in the first MVP of the Pitchside app, we proceeded with the design work. This involved creating wireframes, defining the app's visual style and user interface, and conducting usability testing to ensure a seamless and user-friendly experience for coaches and player facilitators. Initially we will make this a desktop application, then we will design the app for mobile for coaches who would like to use it on their smartphones.

During usability testing, coaches expressed a desire for streamlining weight measurements, automatically updating a new player's baseline weight, and the need for an efficient teaming system within the app. Red flag status for players attending sessions with certain restrictions also requires attention, with suggestions on managing these instances effectively.

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After spanning 4-5 months, In September 2023 Pitchside was successfully launched and is now in active use across the United Kingdom. The next focus will be making it mobile-friendly so coaches can use it on their smartphones. In the future, we will decide when and what new features and improvements to The Pitchside app to add based on feedback from coaches and data analysis.

Let’s chat

Thanks for making it this far. I’m assuming you need help with one or more of the following:

  • Defining your product and UX strategy
  • Design websites
  • Web development using Webflow or Wordpress
  • Design mobile apps and web apps
  • Creating a brand strategy
  • Shaping your brand’s visual identity
  • Creating and improving services
  • Building a strong design system

If you’d like to discuss a project, fill out the form on the right or email me at You can also ping me on LinkedIn (link below), and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can expect a response within 24 hours.

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