Last updated on:
January 26, 2025
A website to promote the Healthier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme in order to prevent diabetes amongst the population.
Work type
In house - Thrive Tribe
My contribution
Web Design
Health service
The team
Marketing manager, Product designer & Web developer
Thrive Tribe became one of the providers of the Heathier You NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Derby & Derbyshire, London, and Peterborough & Cambridgeshire. A behaviour change programme that aims to prevent pre-diabetic people from developing diabetes - achieved through changes in diet and physical activity.
The goal was to spread awareness about the programme. We needed to create a website that allowed people learn more about the programme, who is eligiblefor the programme and how they can make a referral for it. There are three ways to access the programme:
In close collaboration with the marketing team, we conducted a workshop to discuss the target audience, establish a site map and the information architecture. We also e discussed what content to include and brainstormed ideas and worked together to plan out the structure of the website.
The important thing to consider about the website was how might we demonstrate the different programme offerings. We wanted to make sure that we could provide a clear overview of the different programmes available, as well as provide all the necessary information to potential users. Making sure that the website was easy to use and navigate, so visitors could easily and quickly find the information they were looking for..
Due to this being a NHS programme, I designed the website with the NHS design system in mind. By using the NHS design system, I was able to ensure that the website was compliant with the internationally recognised Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This ensures that people with disabilities, such as vision impairment, can use the website with the same ease as those without disabilities.
We have had over 800 referrals in three months and an average of 1200 visitors per month. We’re actively looking to improve the website by carrying out surveys and user research. For example, we’re planning to conduct a usability test with neurodiverse users to identify any potential accessibility issues.
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If you’d like to discuss a project, fill out the form on the right or email me at You can also ping me on LinkedIn (link below), and I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can expect a response within 24 hours.